
hmm...not quite sure

La Di Da, Just another entry from the "Me" Files......

The world has changed, my friends.
We used to be able to be who we were really, with no questions asked, no problems evolving out of ridiculous drama. Now, we spend all our time looking back on "the good 'ole days", when really, they weren't that long ago. We just forget things so quickly while we are distracted by the real world...real life. I dont wish I could go back in time - That wouldnt change anything. I wish people would be people...not things. Or "characters" - EAch person made up in their own mind, and played out by the body they live in. Its like we are living in a theater. You hold in silent screams of annoyance while wearing a smiling mask over your face, trying to be who you are really...inside. But its hard when everyone expects you to be so different. So...perfect. And you want to just tell them all to mind their bussiness, but then you remember that you asked them for their opinion...so you just sit and listen, smiling, wishing you never had. Your mind starts to wander, and suddenly, you are somewhere else, someone...different. Someone real, created by your soul - not pushed and pulled into shape by the world, or the people in it. Someone alive. If only you could stay there...

.....Okay so I have no idea where this came from, I just started writing and it all came out. I guess my unconscious mind has taken over once again. But anyways....Thats only a sample. Love ya, Esther