So.....I've currently figured out that you get alot of time to think when you are 9 months pregnant and waiting to pop. Here are some of the things I've been thinking:
* My neices and nephews are going to be role models to my little girl...and Im happy to say that I am perfectly okay with that. In fact - I'm looking forward to seeing what they'll teach her...whether they mean to or not ;)
* Having a little girl makes you attracted to pink - no matter how much you try to avoid it, or deny that its your--dare I say it--FAVORITE COLOR?!
* Drawing is a very good way to pass time. Well, mostly thinking of what to draw - and then the drawing part doesnt take that long - It's the planning part that keeps you busy. Or at least thats how it goes for me...
* Cooking is a very good way to get over the famous "nesting instinct" when you can't unpack anything in your new house because walls arent painted and boxes are too heavy. So sad...
* Fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes while you are stll pregnant makes you feel like a million bucks....even if its just sweatpants.
* Carrying around 30+ extra pounds for a few months can get VERY, VERY frusterating. Especially when the 30 lbs keeps changing shape, so you run into things unexpectedly - Therefor having bright new bruises to show off weekly...sometimes daily.
* Becoming a mom makes you an automatic record keeper...Which is hard to do with no camera - But I think I'll manage.
* Scrapbooking is my favorite thing to do right now, Which is funny because I'm not scrapbooking. I'm looking at my boxes of scrapbooking supplies hidden behind things in the front porch, contemplating on how to get them down- And never coming up with a safe solution.
* I've found that I miss writing, so Im going to do it more often. Finally - Something useful to do with my time...........as if I was free before?
* And last of all, with all of this thinking - I've found that I think too much. :)